Slide Rulers and Pedal Pushers

Thursday, Mayhem 27 10:00am — 2:00pm

Thursday Mayhem 27 10am to 2pm
Slide Rulers and Pedal Pushers: The Pedal Steel Guitar, from Country to Outer Space
The pedal steel guitar will forever be associated with the weepy sound of Country & Western tragedies of love and life. But there's so much more to the story of this Frankenstein's monster of an instrument that took the Hawaiian lap steel into uncharted dimensions with the addition of extra strings plus pitch-changing pedals and knee levers. Art Crimes spins country classics from masters of the pedal steel, as well as music from innovative explorers using the steel in brave, new ways never expected by the instrument's inventors, with commentary from Bobby Black, known for his steel work with Commander Cody and others.